
Strategies for Intentional Motherhood

Mommy smarter, not harder!

Here’s where I’ll share guidance, tips, and strategies to help tackle life and motherhood with greater purpose, focus, and intentionality.

Value/Goal Based Living Alneada Shorter Value/Goal Based Living Alneada Shorter

2020 Vision (Part 4): Using Faith to Find Serenity in Times of Disruption and Despair

During times of despair, unrest, and uncertainty, it’s so easy to lose faith. However, faith is what allows us the serenity to know everything will be ok. While faith is typically viewed through the lens of religion or God, faith is a much broader concept that also includes faith in ourselves and faith in each other. Check out ways to use faith to achieve serenity and gain clarity on our broader purpose.

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Value/Goal Based Living Alneada Shorter Value/Goal Based Living Alneada Shorter

2020 Vision (Part 2): Oh, The Places You'll Go... With Intentionality

Tired of living life mindlessly rather than mindfully? What better time than now to start using intentionality to ensure each day brings you closer to achieving a life that’s personally meaningful and fulfilling. While life isn’t always fun or easy, we can learn how to design, define, and manifest the life we want and deserve by using intentionality to make life happen for us rather than to us.

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Value/Goal Based Living Alneada Shorter Value/Goal Based Living Alneada Shorter

2020 Vision (Part 1): Using Gratitude to Create a Life of Joy

Anxious? Worried? Uncertain? Times like these call for a renewed sense of vision and clarity for what’s ahead, and the first step in developing a 2020 vision is proactively applying a filter of gratitude each day. Check out three simple ways for you and your family to use gratitude to focus on and appreciate what you have, improving your well-being and turning what you have into enough.

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Relationships, Self Care and Development Alneada Shorter Relationships, Self Care and Development Alneada Shorter

Honey I’m (Always) Home: Navigating your Closest Relationships During Social Isolation and Beyond

‘Tis the era of sheltering in place, which could mean extreme shared isolation with your partner, children, or other housemates. Since the stress and anxiety of the coronavirus crisis along with an unprecedented amount of time together can drive any relationship or person to the edge, here are a few tips for managing relationships with those closest to you during coronavirus and beyond.

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Lessons From Solitary Confinement: Nurturing Self and Child Development at Home During Coronavirus

Staying sane during the coronavirus quarantine is no small feat, but there’s a lot we can learn from the men and women who survive solitary confinement on a daily basis as a part of our U.S. prison system. Check out some key ways you can use this period of lockdown to more intentionally get to know and grow yourself and your children.

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Finances Alneada Shorter Finances Alneada Shorter

Am I Financially Healthy? Intentional Money Management During the Coronavirus Crisis

As companies and individuals alike try to figure out ways to tighten their purse strings due economic impact and uncertain future accompanying the novel coronavirus, it’s more important than ever to manage our finances. Check out these easy ways you and your family can more intentionally manage your money during the coronavirus crisis.

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Self Care and Development Alneada Shorter Self Care and Development Alneada Shorter

Lessons from Kindergarten on Balancing Your Purpose with Motherhood

Balancing the joys and challenges of being a mom with the pursuit of your personal ambitions can sometimes feel like an impossible feat, but what if the secret to juggling it all were rooted in basic lessons we learned as children? Join me as I discuss 4 lessons from kindergarten that can help you more intentionally balance your career, personal ambitions and motherhood.

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