The Strategic Mom

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Setting and Achieving Your Goals in 2021…

What a year! Despite how good, bad, or downright ugly you thought 2020 has been, a new year comes with new possibilities, plans and opportunities. Whether your new year plans involve goal-setting, creating a vision board, or setting a few new years resolutions, consider this a chance to reflect on who you want to be and what you need to do to transform into the person you’re destined to become.

When we traditionally prepare to begin a new year, we start by setting arbitrary goals and new year’s resolutions — commitments to exercise more, get organized, or save more money. However, if we want to make a plan that truly propels us toward the future we want to create, I’ve found that a better starting point is one simple question,”Who do I want to be?”

Once we determine who we want to be, we can better identify the habits we need to develop to become said person, which is where goals become handy. Goals are small milestones that can help us gain confidence and stability at each step required to accelerate us toward our desired future state.

Check out the brief video below for practical ways to set and execute the right goals in 2021 and beyond…

In 2021, make your next move your best move, by using your goals and habits to race toward the future you want to create for yourself and your family.

Happy New Year!



If you enjoyed this post and would like more information on being intentional with your life, download my free ebook on living your life on purpose and with purpose. Also, check out my posts on value and goal-based living, intentional self-care, childcare and development, and relationships.

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