The Strategic Mom

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Designing Your Best Life | Intentionality 101

Feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and completely over it! Well, you’re not alone. Often, in our journeys to “have it all” or, at least, a small piece of all that life has to offer, we find ourselves feeling this way. Why? Because we believe the answer is to work more hours, do more, lean in, try harder, and exert more energy.

The answer isn’t to do more. In fact, the answer is to do less with more intentionality.

Intentionality encourages us to direct our thoughts and actions toward a specific aim or outcome. Imagine that we’re archers. Our minds are bows, and each of our thoughts and actions are arrows. If we’re operating with intention, our arrows will be directed at and are ultimately much more likely to hit the specific targets we want, rather than randomly shooting with our eyes closed hoping that we eventually hit a target.

We must abandon the dreams and blueprints for success that have been sold to us and define what the heck we really want so we can use intentionality to turn those dreams and visions into our reality.

It's time to stop dreaming about your best life and start living it! In this video I share strategies for designing and living the life you want, need, and deserve. You can also access my exclusive free eBook, Designing Your Fit-For-Purpose Life for step-by-step instructions for designing your Fit-For-Purpose life.

So, watch the video, check our the eBook, and if you find anything helpful, do us all a favor and share the wealth. Remember, we’re all on this journey together…